_5 Factories - Worker Control in Venezuela Dario Azzellini & Oliver Ressler
_AnArchitektur Jesko Fezer
_Arizona Road Azra Aksamija
_Balkan Konsulat rotor
_Bata-ville: We are not afraid of the future Nina Pope + Karen Guthrie / www.somewhere.org.uk
_Black Benz Race krcf in collaboration with Felix Stalder, Arben Gecaj, Faton Topalli and Osman Osmani
_Black Sea Files Ursula Biemann
_Camp La Jolla Military ParkOwen Mundy
_Conceptual Paradise. There is a place for sophistication Stefan Roemer
_de-regulation Irit Rogoff, Kutlug Ataman, Stefan Roemer

____________Bloomberg SPACE, London ____________Kumu Art Museum Tallinn ____________Open Space, Open Systems - Vienna ____________CAA 2011 Conference, New York ____________Forum Stadtpark, Graz ____________Symposium, Istanbul ____________lungomare, Bozen/Bolzano ____________Metropolis Biennale 2007-17, Copenhagen ____________new publication available now ____________Mestna Galerija, Ljubljana ____________Livestream of Networked Cultures documentary ____________
15 April 2014
NETWORKED CULTURES publication available for download
--> nai010 publishers

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Political conflicts, humanitarian disasters, wars and migrations – we live in an age of global unrest and discontinuity. While official reactions consist in the search for means of stabilization and restraint, the dynamics of deregulation are giving rise to a situation characterized by global parallel systems: parallel architectures, parallel societies, parallel lives.
This book offers an insight into the complex spatial and social realities of globalization, from city-like informal markets in Moscow and the post-war self-urbanization in Kosovo to the border economies of the Mediterranean and the parallel worlds of today’s burgeoning megacities.
In this state of uncertainties, networks have become the most powerful tool in how we organize our lives. The emerging struggle between network formations produces a space that is both fragmented and contested, yet testifies to the creativity of ist inhabitants. As a result, our cities have become topologies of overlapping realities and narratives as much as they are geographical entities.
Networked Cultures traces these conflictual negotiations in dialogue with artists, architects, curators and theorists whose work explores possibilities for a multi-inhabitation of territories and narratives across cultural, social or geographic boundaries. Their shared knowledge and accompanying case studies provide stirring insights as well as imaginative encounters with a world of networks – our world.
Editors: Peter Mörtenböck and Helge Mooshammer
With texts by Adrian Blackwell, Marina Grzinic, Irit Rogoff and AbdouMaliq Simone, and conversations with Ozge Acıkkol, Azra Akšamija, Ayreen Anastas, Ricardo Basbaum, Helmut Batista, Jochen Becker, Matei Bejenaru, Ursula Biemann, Sylvie Blocher, Stefano Boeri, Katherine Carl, Sarah Carrington, Branka Curčic, Francois Daune, Igor Dobricic, Ana Dzokic, Joan Escofet, Jesko Fezer, Asya Filippova, Rene Gabri, Iacopo Gallico, Sophie Hope, Nataša Ilic, Guven Incirlioglu, Katrin Klingan, Vasıf Kortun, Erden Kosova, Olga Lopoukhova, Margarethe Makovec, Marc Neelen, Philipp Oswalt, Kyong Park, Marta Paz, Constantin Petcou, Tadej Pogačar, Poka-Yio, Marjetica Potrc, Gerald Raunig, Oliver Ressler, Josep Saldana, Marko Sancanin, Gunes Savas, Florian Schneider, Despoina Sevasti, Pablo de Soto, Srdjan J. Weiss, Eyal Weizman, Secil Yersel and Claudia Zanfi
download PDF 'Intro'
Connectivities 7 Peter Mortenbock and Helge Mooshammer
download PDF 'Section 1'
Network Creativity 13 Peter Mortenbock and Helge Mooshammer
Interviews 28 Margarethe Makovec, Natasa Ilic, Gerald Raunig, Katrin Klingan
Borderline Cases 36 Windsor/Detroit
Unbounded 46 Irit Rogoff
Interviews 52 Kyong Park, Srdjan J. Weiss, Branka Curčic
Extended Enterprises 60 Moscow
Interviews 64 Olga Lopoukhova, Straddle3
Forums of Culture 69 Barcelona
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Contested Spac es 75 Peter Mortenbock and Helge Mooshammer
Interviews 88 Claudia Zanfi, Ursula Biemann, Philipp Oswalt
Slatewalls 97 Chinese Markets
Casting Nets 100 Adrian Blackwell
Les Olympiades 110 Paris
Interviews 112 Ayreen Anastas and Rene Gabri, Eyal Weizman, Erden Kosova
Metro City 124 Istanbul
Interviews 130 Despoina Sevasti and Poka-Yio, Stefano Boeri, Pablo de Soto
download PDF 'Section 3'
Trading Places 141 Peter Mortenbock and Helge Mooshammer Arizona Market 164 Brčko
Interviews 174 B+B, Matei Bejenaru, Helmut Batista, Asya Filippova, Oliver Ressler
Transient Traffic 186 Istanbul Topkapı
Visiting Stalin 192 Moscow Izmailovo
The politics of ‘cityness’ and a world of deals 202 AbdouMaliq Simone
Thank You USA 210 Prishtina
Interviews 219 Marjetica Potrc, xurban, Jesko Fezer, Tadej Pogačar
download PDF 'Section 4'
Gunners & Runners 232 London
Parallel Worlds 241 Peter Mortenbock and Helge Mooshammer
Interviews 256 STEALTH, aaa, Igor Dobricic
Parallel Worlds 265 Marina Grzinic
Interviews 271 Campement Urbain, Vasıf Kortun, Jochen Becker, Marko Sancanin
Conversions 282 Berlin
Interviews 288 Oda Projesi, Iacopo Gallico, Ricardo Basbaum
Horizons 297 Rio de Janeiro
download PDF 'Credits'
Biographies 306 Index 315 Credits 318
+ Ana Dzokic and Marc Neelen
+ Ayreen Anastas and Rene Gabri
+ atelier d'architecture autogérée (aaa)
+ Asya Filippova
+ Sophie Hope and Sarah Carrington
+ Branca Curcic
+ Christoph Schaefer
+ Campement Urbain
+ Claudia Zanfi
+ Despoina Sevasti and Poka-Yio
+ Erden Kosova
+ Helmut Batista
Radio as Spatial Practiceby: Paulo Tavares
Survival Kits: Artistic Responses to Globalizationby: Marga van Mechelen
What Ever Happened to Cultural Democracy?by: Sophie Hope
I don't know how to explain ...by: Anca Gyemant
Trading Placesby: Peter Moertenboeck & Helge Mooshammer
Milosevic as Architectby: Srdjan Jovanovic Weiss
When the Unavoidable Knocks at the Door ...by: Gulsen Bal
Tracing Translocality: The BlackBenz Raceby: Felix Stalder
travelling lexicon towards a global positioning systemby: Celine Condorelli